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hooker pants

Views: 109
my sexy double neck diddly ;-)Well I was looking at my scrap pile last night and seen the back end of the BC rich warlock I cut up a while back for the razor build .. and saw some 1x2s and half a candle holder from another build .. … and.... this happened .lolThere is a speaker under the brass candle holder that acts as a piezo .. It sounds good but I cant get a good recording without a bunch of feedback or background noise when I try and record it through my computer .. so I just added a background from one of my earlier jams , so I could still share .. I plan on adding some single pole pups later .. this thing’s just too sexy for piezo sound;-)Hope ya like hooker pants ;-)

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  • Good stuff, ma man ;)

  • lol  thanx guys ..  it was  just a spart of the moment thing . .

    tinqui8 -  the sound in  this vid is  not this guitar ..  gonna wait till i put some pups  in it .

  • Hot !! Hooker Underpants...mabe stick some plugs in dem nutz...that would beef up the sound...ummhummmm...

  • oh oh ..  bones  got  ideas  cookin


  • hmmmmm

  • thanx james ..  not bad for a scrap pile  build lol .

  • thats lookin good mr. pick!!!

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