Home Grown cajon

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My first attempt a making a cajon - and it works!!! This is a prototype for the Home Grown Music Collective - we are hoping to run cahon making and playing workshops at Boxstock in addition to our cigarbox guitar making workshops.

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  • Hi Chikenbone,  I made a couple of cajons last year after seeing one on You Tube, great fun to play along with my friend on guitar. Also made a few cbgs since then. two in the workshop now waiting for parts. Keep tapping and stummin' friend.

  • Penny..."If you will it, it is no dream"...if you can make a cajon or a guitar, and you can make the time, then you can run workshops. I've long figured out that if no-one else is doing it, there is but one option, take on the task yourself. That's why I'm involved in so much stuff like HGMC, going to guitar shows to sell my guitars, running workshops, starting a music agency...no-one else was doing these things. If you have the will, it can be done.

  • Cool John, that is my next project. So wish we had those workshops here... 

  • "you gotta play fast, use some French words and howl.  And dance around..."

                                                                                                --Uncle John

    Simple solution: squirt a little Tabasco sauce up into your nose... same thing!

  • great job !  Here the vid  how i made mine a few years ago : http://www.cigarboxnation.com/video/cajon-1


    .  Good luck with the workshops ! chrz WMP

  • Like that git and the drum thing.   But John, I have been to the bayou and heard cajon and zydeco music.   You kind of look like a good old  cajon, but the music just aint right yet. 

    You gotta get you an accordion player, a pretty gal with a strap on wash board and then you gotta play fast, use some French words and howl.  And dance around.   Maybe eat some crayfish and jambalaya. 

    Keep at it man, you have potential.

  • hey i made one o them a couple of months ago - yeah they work, you can 'tune ' it by loosening or tightning the screws , i put a piezo in mine...i've seen them with an old bit of snaredrum wire in too.

    after this vid is a link to youtube and your tele resonator...i have the chance to grab an old Encore tele in a very sorry state but the neck is ok.Do you sell the reso plates,? i have no notion on how to fit one? i'd like to rescue the old thing before it ends up in a skip..;)

  • How does "the snare" work - did you use a string?

  • Nope. Cojones look like this: 


  • Cojones...

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