Hobo Hoedown with Nancy Tinkerbella - Beaten And Weary

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Hobo hoedown teams up with the amazing Nancy Tinkerbella to deliver something completely different from our usual repertoire. On this track Patchwork Pedro w...

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  • A little deep for me . Nice video though . 

  • That was definitely different. I like it though. Nice track and cool aesthetics in that video.

  • Wonderful moody vibe. The stark reality of Winter’s grip. Thanks Villegas’s.

  • Thank you for taking the time to make it interesting. That's entertainment

  • I much like your music and bleak winter scenery.   Excellent!  More!

  • cool video and song!

  • Hello again Ville ! Nice collab ,thumbs up to your Video production allso! nice vibe in pic & Sound !

  • Hello again!

    Here is another one with lowebow guitar. This time a ballad with a fretted one. All guitar parts you hear come from that single lowebow, with exception of acoustic backing sound which is just that same lowebow but just micced up. There is washboard and tambourine on rhythm. If you could comment or like on the side of facebook or youtube, that would be much appreciated.

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