Ho Made ~ Scrap Metal Tail Pieces. For home made stringed instruments.

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  • Your stuff works great Uncle! Common sense for the discerning uncommon cigarbox guitar player. Well done!

  • That is a plus, Derek.  I think I used one of those once too.

    Oh, AGP.  Those are SUPER nice.  That # 259 is a beauty.  Nice work on that tail.  Yup on the copper.  I like that.  I wonder if I could pound our some copper tubing and do that?

  • Good tutorial John. The closest I have done to this is using door striker plates for the tailpieces. I like that those also can let you stand the box up on end without rocking.

  • Two Tailpieces cut from sliced and flattened out pieces of Copper Pipe, and  a Timber one I done some time back, 8857461458?profile=RESIZE_710x :-)



  • Cool tip John. They look nice.

  • Good demo Unc. Another advantage over the neck through sticking out is the guitar will stand up without falling. The git sits there like a begging Doxhund with a tailpiece. A hanging guitar is fine with the nub sticking out. But many of my guitars lean on the wall or each other.

    You know I like the steamer leaf tailpiece. Holes already made, clean edges, and works for 3, 4, 5, and 6 string guitars. You get 24 tailpieces out of a single steamer for about 7$. And most households have one in the junk drawer.

    Lazy Lynas AGP? My dad used that as his Art Kits logo. I got a copper sheet at Menards. It was small, about 24 inches square. It cost 62$. I still have 95 percent of it left after making several pickup covers. I love the copper but it’s almost too good to use.

  • Thanks, guys.  

  •  Nice post there Uncle John! I do love those tailpieces! Thanks for showing them off. Something about working with old corroded metal and bringing it back to it's  original, (or better)., sheen and cutting and bending it to the shape you need.. 

  • Very informative and practical Uncle John!
  • Thanks, Andries.  Lots of good things to make tails out of.  Dave Lynas and others get a bunch of tails out of a collander - a kitchen strainer.  

    Thanks, but darn you AGP.  It would be fun to use some copper.  I never have done that except to cut slides from copper pipe.  They work great if you polish them with steel wool.  But it is hard to find a steel sheep.

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