Hannes Loopt op Klompen P. Loots - A. D. Eker 1911 2021
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Its a pitty you think like that BrianQ, and a shame to say dont think its funny!! and awfull to have had a daddy like that ! dont know how old/young you are but he must have troubled you, to still resent that fact ! make a mends whit that ,violence is never the solution!
I got a special belt for kids like Hannes :)
Andres, The translation was curtesy of Google Translate, but not sure how accurate they are with their translations ;-D
I'm not sure what you were saying but I liked it. Nice folky blues song.
Thanks Keith ! like appriciated !
Thanks Alan ! did you have that handy allready or did someone do it for you? its a nice one, allthow some words ill do diffrently ! but again thanks for the colorful translation ! there is a dutchman hiden in you somewhere ! Alan ! kind Greeeetsszz A.D.
thank youUncle John ! i m Glas\d i did ! ,did you understand any of it ?
Andries, you put a smile on me.