Hair Pine Walk A D Eker 2020

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a Walk treu the Woods Usaly Clears my Mind, so i was thinking why not try to capture that in a musical piece/work ,So in a Old time western setting whit a ey...

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  • That trio tenor sounds awesome Andries. Excellent playing. I felt like it was a good walk through the woods, with a little hint of Jethro Tull.


  • Well thank you nancy! much appriciated ! i have the same problem now ! did not have it before, dont now what they do down there at Ning Headquarters maybee the forget to switch over a switch after a live show??
  • thanks Richard ! its not realy a park but more public woods they are across the street from where i live in dutch its called de Haardennen, and i translated it ,like Haar is dutch for hair, and dennen , is pine ,so hair pine ,i walk there everyday whit my dog ! shape shifting just like you my funny bone needs a wiggle now and then !
  • Allmost buggy ,he sounds allmost the same ,the same neck but the body of mine is whitout the F key's ,my tenor they call the pearshape tenor,i cant do you a picture to see cose it aint working ,see if i can post a picture on your site.
  • What a neat piece of music Andries ..I like to walk in the woods to..this is so fitting very entertaining!!! Yup no way to put pictures up again messed up site grrrmeow^..^
  • A.D. Eker and the Cowhillbillys, Family act of shape shifters? Nice guitar work, I really enjoyed it! Nice vintage feel to the video, all around good vibe. Is Hair Pine a park nearby?

  • Cool, is it one of these?

  • Oh man. That sounds great AD. I'm lovin' that beat and the tenor sounds great on this track.

  • Well thank you Uncle ! Got to keep busy to much time on my hands whit all that You know business, working on all those left over little jobs to do, and tying up loos ends! funny that you say that they are all brothers i geush! No im not gonna bother the high and Mighty Selfproclamed KING of the TreeString whit futile stuff like that ill adapt and wait and see! No worries! Thanks i know how to pick em ,but the staying is what allways turns me over ! ill be sampling your main line ! Greeeettssszz A.D.
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