Got My Mojo Workin - Barefoot Boogie Guitars

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Muddy Waters song - Got My Mojo Workin'. Played by Del from Barefoot Boogie Guitars on a 4 String Punch Cigar Box Guitar.

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  • Phil,

    Nice work, like the drivin' rythmn... keep that mojo workin!!!

    the best,

    wichita Sam
  • Great video. Love the guitar tone and the riff. Nice singing too.
  • got my mbmbmbmbm workin
  • Doug, the tuning on this is G-D-G-B. I really do like the tone of this guitar. It's an all-wood Punch box (not the cardboard that you find on many).
  • You got to make more video, this is great.
  • Great version so well played
  • Superb video! Outstanding playing and singing. Nice to hear some chording with percussive chops. The tone on the guitar is awesome! By the way, what is the tuning?
  • Nice!
  • nice job
  • I have had to come back and listen to this three times. Going to put in my fav for awhile really like the simple way of chording
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