Good Morning Blues ~ cigar box mandolin

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Open tuning GDgd (saw-mill tuning). using standard mandolin GDAE strings. I apologize for 2 vids at once, but they are 'companion vids)Shane Spiel had a great recent vid on open tuned mandolin. I don't know if he used Sawmill, but I liked it so much I looked into open tunings for mando,

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  • Thanks, Phillip.

  • I never played mandolin... that one sounds very nicely... your voice and mandolin tone fit very well both together...

    Very very good job as usual Uncle John...°<[:-) [---]==={...

  • Thanks Matthew.   Mandos are kind of hard to build - the short scale....   Good wishes.  

    Maddog, thanks.  You already play GDg very well.  How about GDgd   using the 5th, 4th, 3rd - like usual and then the first and smallest for the d.   I think I did this on the Padron an it worked well.  OR!!!!   You could use the four smallest and tune it like the 4 small strings on a 6 string.  Then play it that way OR open tune it DGBD, which is also banjo tuning.   Good wishes.  I am building today too.   (I think GDgd suits your style the best).

  • Great video! I've never tried building a mandolin - but now I know what's next on the 'to do' list. Nice work.

  • Back for another listen on this John. I'm finishing up my 4 stringer and I'm going to use the strings you gave me. Which strings out of the 6 would you recommend I use?

  • Thanks Turtle and W.M.    Turtle, it seems funny to me that those finger chords work on the mando, but do not work as well on a GDgd guitar.  

    Since the mando pleases me now, I may go back and add more frets.   Much of my stuff are works in progress. 

  • Love the sound of that mandolin !

  • Thanks Jim, JP and owl! 

  • Catchy little tune John!  Nice usual!

  • Nice!

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