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God Only Knows by Backwater Jack

Views: 171
written and recorded in about an hour. also it was recorded on my mobile phone that costs about 20 quid using the voice recorder.its basically a song about not being able to stay in one place for to long and being restless for want of a better word.ts played in open d on an acoustic 6 string.i know its not on a CBG but as soon as mines sorted out il re do it and upload that.thanks for watching.

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  • deffinatly a foot tapper! - great song:)
  • thanks alot james.its in the music section somewhere as a music file to if thats your kind of thing :D choo choo.
  • : D


  • Nice job on the song.
  • Swings is right.  Great song, singing playing and label.
  • Good stuff.  Nice start for to a Monday morning.  Thanks for sharing.
  • looks like im going to have to pull another one out the bag thanks alot guys and girls.
  • aah ignore my comment on your wall, I see you did write the song...even more impressive in that case!! I look forward to more : -)
  • cool toon bro-I like the way it chugs along like a train-pleasing quality to the vocals too.
  • nice one people : D
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