Georgia BottleNeck Blues ~All round me shine~ cigar box guitar music

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Georgia Bottleneck Blues, recorded only with a vintage pignose amp and 2 cigar box guitars, no effects at all, recorded on a simple hand held office voice recorder, 1st track was played with the pignose as a preamp run thru the out jack on the back of the amp…the second on top with the speaker with a 1/4 adaptor run into headset the recorder …ruff raw, and all natural…just me and the birds and nature sitting right on the porch …stepping back to the simple down home basics, recorded here in Albany Georgia on Thanksgiving vacation as all around me shines!

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  • Man that is soulful and o so sweet. You could put a baby to sleep with this or send a lover down into the ground. Beauty and sadness here as only the 3 string cbg can produce. Man I still have dreams of owning one of your guitars. Some day my friend the gods will smile down on me and I will be able to buy one of your 3 stringed guitars. I love that you are the gatekeeper to the 3 stringed sound here. I have a hard time with four. Feels like I grew and extra hand or something. So So beautiful. Love the recording technique as well. Peace my friend.

  • Thanks for the kind words all!....I wish i could make all song as good as this...i am not sure where it came from...I just sat down and out it came! i would love to find more inside of my brain...but this is like a once a blues moon for this stuff to come out.

  • and no jim, what a shame'


  • always sounds so fine...albenny is the way i always heard it said!! LOL,,,sometime when you are there I'd like to ride up and sit around and play awhile. Have a good Thanksgiving.

  • Now that's some fine music there sir. Love that tone and I always look forward to hearing your tunes. That's in the top 2 for me.  

  • All roun' me shine.. Man, that tone and those first notes are just so down home, head swaying good.  And it stayed so mellow good.  The posters are cool as can be.  I just enjoyed this a lot.   Thanks to you.

  • That is really beautiful. Impressive playing and a wonderful melody. I love it.

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