Fallen Britain

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Odd thing CBG...

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  • Like John said, not the usual Bug fare but good stuff still!

  • John you are far too highly qualified and intelligent for the job.
    We are really looking for a real Borris type bozo..;>)
  • I might be interested in a part time gig if I can work from home.  

  • John time will tell ... But people have reacted and
    It screws things up ...
    It was hard enough before this..
    I hear from friends that people have pulled out of house buys
    And all sorts of things.
    People stop spending till they knew what's happening...
    In our now leaderless place..
    Even Borris didn't want the job lol
  • Good editorial in the paper today regarding too much panic and pessimism over BREXIT.   Could be things will work out fine.   Keep calm and play CBGs.

  • London Bug is falling down

    falling down

    falling down…

  • And therein lies the problem, John.  Nobody who voted last week had any facts about the consequences of either decision, because there can't be any facts until after you've made the decision.

    What's happened (my view - other views are available).  Our politicians asked us to make a decision and we did.  That decision has caused some global uncertainty, and will cause more.  Our politicians have now gone back to normal business - postponed a decision on another desperately-needed London runway and started bickering among themselves about party politics. The Brexit story has dropped off the front of UK news.

    If nothing else, it's 20 years of good news for lawyers who'll thrash out new treaties on a myriad of subjects.  The lawyers will be expensive and the taxpayer will foot their bills.  Right, I'll put my soap box away :-)

  • I wish I understood more about what is going on and the implications for the U.S. and rest of the world.   My mostly ignorant take is that voters wanted to take things back to how they used to be.   People seem to think that will no happen.  

    Un-bug-like, but good sounds and cool kaleiodoscopes.  

  • Sounds excellent - the guitar does, not so much the Fall of Britain

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