Essai Cigar Box Guitar COHIBA improvisation Total ....

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  • ...yOu vE gOt ThE bLooooooooooooZZZZZZ Marcelus...i LoV'iT !!!!! yeah hiiip...°<[:-) [---]==={

  • Wonderfully rich tone, nicely played Blues, Marcelus! ***** (-:

  • Merci à tous pour vos commentaires très encourageants .

    "thank  you all for your very encouraging comments !! Merci...

  • Nice playing and wonderful deep sound. You obviously have good instinct.

  • Damn-great tone and techique.Fantastic feel.

    Miss you brother I hope we meet again sometime soon.

  • Merci !Merci ! je ne  sais pas très bien jouer !et je joue toujours d'instinct...


    I do not play very well! and I always play by instinct

  • GREAT looking git.  You are a string popping blues man and that is what I like.  Nice playing with feeling.  Wish I could do that.

  • love the tone, nice sounding cbg, awesome playing!!!

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