End of the Line

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Original Song on my 3 string banjo by Dave Lynas

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  • Thanks Richard. I love that dance hall sound. It’s hard to play there when a party’s going on however. Sound gets crazy. I’ll be playing there for a sale Saturday.

  • Oh I like this! Love when you play in this room, great acoustics! Your original song is a foot stomping good time. Well played and sung, coming back in the morning for breakfast.

  • Thanks Derek. I’m working on some new verses considering our sorry situation. 

  • Great sounding banjo and fine playing Dave. Cool tune too :-)

  • Thanks Ambrose. That room has the best tap. Sounds like hands clapping. Right now the snow is blowing into a frenzy making a howl and you can hear the breakers crashing on Lake Superior’s shore. Quite a Spring Blow.

  • A foot-tapping pleasure to watch Dave!

  • AGP, i’m Just happy YouTube is out there letting us play together. I don’t mind the funky quality. After all, I play funky music on home done guits and 9 volt amps. It’s way better than my early work on two boom box cassettes, one playing my first track into the other to get two tracks. :D)

  • Yes Dave!, I agree with the fact that for some unknown reason, after uploading to Utube, the quality of the Visuals does suffer :-(

  • keep it up Dave, thanks

  • Andries I love that artwork you added here. Thanks muchly!


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