COOKING ON GAS. c#merle/A.D.Eker/R. Sundberg

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An original song featuring an acoustic c#merle instrumental. A.D. adds 3 string tin lead guitar and lyrics. RS 4string CBG and vocals.

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  • A lot of chefs in the kitchen chop chop! Lots af incredible talent and cool dudes that like the jamming and doing the collab thing. Thank you Derek!

  • A little Scotland, a little Holland, and a little Calli! Blowing gas for arts sake Vinnie! Thanks man!

  • Super collab guys, lots going on in there!

  • Rockin for days gents,quite a dish you've cooked up there...vundabah...

  • Thanks c#merle! A. D. Sent me a perfect right left mix. My transfer from my multitrack to the iPad wants to still blend the two tracks, although the interface I’m using  is correct, it’s a GarageBand thing, still perfecting my old studio gear. Sometimes I nail it, so I know it works, just a bug , operator, problem. But a fun time sharing and causing chaos with you guys! 

  • trippy stuff guys chaos theroy in a bottle
    mad video skills ritchie - respect
  • Thank you kindly Danny! An international jam, lots of air miles flown on this one. C#merle is in Scotland, A.D. Is in Holland, and I’m in patio, California!

  • Outstanding video wonderful colab. Great picking and singing

  • Thank you James, a few second degree burns, but all is under control...........not!

  • Andries, real nice lead guitar, burning hot gas powered  playing there! C#merle left the gas on, creating a  volatile situation. Great to jam with you guys!

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