Come On In My Kitchen (Robert Johnson) Slide Cover on Vintage Regal Tenor Guitar

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Here's me butchering a blues classic a bit to show how my old 1920's Regal Tenor Guitar (Rose) sounds with a little slidin'. I have to thank Keni Lee Burgess, because this is really a variation on his arrangement from one of his FANTASTIC teaching CDs.. I know you all are disappointed in not seeing my beaming face, but I'm trying to feature the guitar here :). Let me know what you think, as feedback is always welcome!!

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  • Those regals are realy regal ! sounds real fine ( allthow my stereo ping ponged left to right) got me a dobro from regal my love for life ! treasure it  AND PLAY it till your vingers bleed !!  greeetings from holland ! there was some blood dripping but thats the only way to get there ! greeeeeeettssszzz A.D.

  • Excellent! Nice playing and singing. That tenor sings sweet too.

  • Good one!

  • Emotional rendition .

  • "Very Enjoyable Listening"  :-)

  • Reduced me to tears.
  • Oh another old tenor fan (count me in that group.  That has some zip, whine and volume.   Pretty well done.  How are you tuned?

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