Cohiba 6 string cigar box guitar - sound example (ELP short cover)

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Just made this 6 string cigar box guitar and this is an acoustic sound example. Greg Lake's Still You Turn Me On.

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  • Thanks Dave, I like to hide out down there.

  • Nice to see your underbelly there Derek. A fine guitar is born.
  • Thanks everyone! Pick, looks like I may get burned at the stake ;) My wife got a kick out of the pic too.

    Richard and Andries, this one reminds me of high school, thx for the comments. I like my basement hide-away.

    Unc, I do like to make these necks since I can make 'em as I like 'em.

    Thanks Bear, much appreciate your time and remarks.

    Much appreciated Turtle, James O, Wes and Erasmo. :)

  • Yup, Derek. Looks and sounds good. Quite a few folks stick a factory neck on box. Big kudos to you for making your own neck and then being able to play the heck out of it.
  • Cohiba SIX ,i believe you got them all complete now? all Cohiba's from 3  to 6 ? Fine build from the D ROZE Workshop! Emerson Lake  Palmer brings back memories! well Done!

  • Sounds like you've got a fantastic guitar on your hands there Mr Rose! Great job on the song and demo too. Very nicely done indeed.

  • Great cover of Greg's song. Tough song to sing with, aced it! Nice tone on your new guitar, picks up clean. Thanks for sharing the song, lot of good memories with that one. Nice shop, first time I've seen it.
  • Nice little guitar Derek

  • 306632780?profile=original

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