Clocky Crocket (King of the wild front ear)

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Banjo ya hear is a homemade cigar box 5 String (made by Anthony). Guitar trad one. Three track demo. Will put pristine audio up laterLyric below, guys..Clocky Crocket, King of the Wild Front Ear (Jamie MacBlues)1.Born on a mountain in the land of the freeEvery one came from miles around this baby to seeFor he had a beard going right down to his kneesOh Clocky, Wolfie Crocket2. Well Clocky he soon grew up to a manTwo shiny six guns never far from his handsHis reputation soon went out, and trembled this fair landBad Clocky, Wolfie, Crocket3. Out in the desert he sat down by the firePlanning an ambush on old farmer McGuireSheep farmers feared land grabbers, and the guns that they did hireLike Clocky, Wolfie, Crocket4. Well Farmer McGuire he came slow ridin' down the bluffSaw Clock and offered him a peace pipe to puffClock said "man, ah'm wasted, but ah tell ya that's strong stuffOr ma names not "Wolfie ,Crocket"5. Then the farmer took a block of wood, and plucked on its three stringsClocky stood amazed, at the pleasures it did bringSaid ah gotta get me, one of them darn thingsOh Clocky, Wolfie ,Crocket6. Well Clocky got his own gitar, and travelled through the landAnd soon he was a master, of that box there in his hand"Ah got music in ma blood now, and its spreadin to ma glands"Said Clocky, Woflie, Crocket7. Well I will stop ma song now, for we all know the endHe joined the CB Nation, and drove us around the bendWith wailing gitar, old time movies,and cars screechin' out "hell mend"That Clocky, Woflie,Crocket8..Born on a mountain in the land of the freeEvery one came from miles around this baby to seeFor he had a beard going right down to his kneesOh Clocky, Wolfie Crocket

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  • AW Nawwww, jist when ya think cannae get worse! lol  Interesting, tho, jabes. Few folks in the video are, or rather "were" friends of friends (lot OLDER freinds, ah do STRESS! lol).  

  • you'll feel much better and Clock'll get off too

  • Jamie --QUICK!!!  chillout on this....

  • ARGHHHHHHH. Stop! Stop! Fkn hate Procalimers Had to dance to their "500 miles" every party, wedding, New Year (not at funerals yet, but soon!!). I have given away my "weak spot"!  NOOOOoooooo.........NOOOOOOooooo  NOOOOOooooooooo!! Ah say again: NOOOOOooooooo NOOOOOOoooooo , no o  ooooo oooo..............

  •  RTZ, ma man, ah KNOW "its 9 verses short"! Ah refer you  to ma reply earlier to Nancy kat: "but some info still under official secrets act, so can't be released!  "  Cheers. ma man ;)

  • Clock: and yer point?! Why do ya kep putttin up photos of the Proclaimers?!  Has ma Scottish banter converted you. If so, ya got wrong end of the stick. Ah fkn HATE The Proclaimers. BTW don't send back "A  a letter from

    A -MER- I -CA".  A simple  "comment" will do ;)

  • its 9 verses short but i thing we get the point

  • 305924369?profile=original

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