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CIGARBOXNATION (can u dig it)

Views: 786

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  • ;0)
  • TOTALLY  AWESOME.....GREAT project...

    Hey Teachers! we need that Cigar Box NATION


  • "warriors, come out to playee eee!"   etc etc    :0)
  • me too Dan-that was the point really-all I got in my day was some guy came in blowing a trumpet in assembly-if someone would have come in and played me some loud punkblues I'd have wet my 1960's knee length charcoal pants with excitement. heh heh.Yeah they liked it alright.
  •  nice work h b ,bet the kids loved it ,i know i would have back in my day!!
  • Thanks for the inspiration Mr HB...I'm doing just the same thing next month here in Birmingham!!
  • cheers dudes.
  • HB... what can you say man. You old softie. Bloody good on you and your kind work. Nice.
  • Hey man, nice thing you did on that project. I'm sure you sparked many new flames of inspiration for inventions and music.
  • good on ya there mate :0)
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