Cigar Box Tiple Improv

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Brian Bauer plays the Cigar Box Tiple, made by Gary Herget. A Tiple is a Columbian instrument that has 10 strings, played in comparison to a Ukulele.

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  • Thanks Derek, I'll have to check out Scatman videos soon.

  • 10 strings would be a challenge, great job. I have seen some cool old clips of Scatman Crothers playing a tiple.

  • Thanks Dani and Bear. Brian is a banjo picker and uke player so he mixed the two together and sounded pretty cool.

  • Never heard of a Tiple before but Brian seems to have taken to it like a duck to water. A natural! I enjoyed listening and learning of its existence anyway. Thanks for sharing this with us and for educating me too.
  • Thanks Tom, the Tiple is a new and amazing instrument for me.

  • Cool! I also like play tiple-uke.

  • Thanks UJ, Mr. Morris, and Mr. Doherty

  • Love it !!!!!

  • Cool!

  • TEN strings!   Sure sounds good.  

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