Cigar Box Guitar with Lace Matchbook pickup

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A cigar box guitar with a new Lace Alumitone Matchbook pickup,. designed specially for cigar box guitars. I decided to build a guitar with as much "good stuff" in it as I could, so it has a three part laminated neck with a two-way trussrod. The black walnut fretboard is inlaid with real mother of pearl and has Van Gent Xtra Jumbo nickel silver frets, with a bone nut and Van Gent deLuxe machineheads. The guitar is fitted with custom stainless steel steel fittings, made in the UK, and even the strings are hand-wound in the UK.I'm really pleased with these new pickups - I've made two guitars with the "Matchbook" pickups (both of them now sold) , and had the opportunity to play them in front of a decent sized audience - the pickups have a remarkable clarity and punch to them, whether played through a clean or overdriven amplifier.I'll be making two more guitars from the initial batch of pickups, and after that I reckon we'll be getting another consignment to make more great sounding guitars.

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  • Thanks Chickenbone. Great play! Love the Lace!
  • Great sound.

  • Sounds sweet .

  • Everything you'd want in a very nice guitar. I liked the presentation, quite entertaining with very good playing.
  • What a sweet build!
  • I'm sitting here wonderin'  if a matchbox will hold my clothes.   good sounding match book.  very nice guitar!

  • Nice!

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