Cigar Box Bass Ukulele

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A short video overview of my 2-string cigar box bass ukulele (U-Bass) with photos and sound samples. I am pretty happy with how it turned out, and the nice mellow sound.

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  • Just adding my accolades - nice sound and appearance!

  • Hi Brent, Thanks for watching.

    To answer your question... yes, the strings go through the lid and through the neck. These strings come crimped with a grommet on one end, and that's what holds them in place from the bottom side of the neck. (I did add a washer just to make sure they did not slip through). If you look at the photo around 2:46 you can spot the 2 holes. I should have taken a photo, but the shortness of the strings and the piezo wire made it a pretty tight squeeze in there.Feel free to ask me anything else.


    P.S. The strings have settled in nicely and it stays in tune and is a lot of fun to play. Next time I'd do a wider neck/headstock and do all 4 strings.   

  • Very cool.   Are the strings that disappear into the box connected directly to the neck inside?

  • Great job, man.

  • great jpob

  • Looks and sounds great , you play it very well!!

  • Real nice!

  • That turned out great, Greg. I've done a couple standard scale basses, and this video makes me want to try a short scale like that. Cheers. BTW, the video with description/inset photos is very helpful for other viewers.

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