Chugging the Blue Jean Ball

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Chugging with the 4th and 5th graders: Broadway Elementary’s performance at the Communities in Schools of Spokane County Blue Jean Ball.

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  • Working with young folks is a treat in so many ways as you obviously know first hand A.D. The cake pan chuggers are on the quiet side for sure, but watching the kids play is priceless! Better amplification would have helped but it was out of my control. Our second and last song was “The Lion Sleeps Tonight”. We got the audience to sing with us. How’s that for amplification?

  • Thats The real stuff  Doug  did that years and years creativ Camping whit young folk, verry forefilling, and rewording  ,years after i still got letters , a shame you had no amp ! Chuggernaut !!

  • Thanks for the good words Uncle John! I was pleased with how well the kids did given the very limited time we had to work with them. It has been a learning experience on both sides.

  • Nice!   Prett good singers too!

  • Thanks Kale! I have really enjoyed working with the kids. A former student from my 1-session Intro to Cigar Box Guitars class at Spokane Community College contacted me earlier in the year about doing CBGs with her students. This is what we came up with, it has been fun, she’s retiring and leaving the local area, so what is next is up in the air. I would like to do something at the local middle school which is 3 blocks away instead of driving into Spokane. She has some contacts, so will see what is possible.

  • Staring them young! Nice work Doug. It's always great to see your contributions to the local community.

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