Christmas Chaos

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This is kind of how I'm feeling about Christmas!!!..went into Cambridge took ages to get across town, then I spent about half an hour driving round a FULL multi-storey car park..had to pay to get out although I hadn't even been able to then took AGES to get back out of town and home again aaaaaah!!!This was filmed last Thursday in Cambridge.Instruments used to do the music include - 3 string cigar box guitar, 1 string fiddle, tom tom drum, thunder maker, pepper pot (!!) ..a first attempt at recording something with lots of tracks. Still lots to learn : -/

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  • thanks Franky : -)
  • Very good this video, the music fits well with the images and represents the feeling of stress in this kind of situation. Bravo!
  • Cheers dg, yeah I edited the video in Adobe Premiere Elements 4...and the music was done in Sony Acid Pro 7
  • not to familliar with recording stuff, is it a program for your computor that you do this with? ha love the toilet sound at the end.
  • Great video and excellent music. Total chaos indeed! Best to stay home and play! Happy Holidays.
  • My Dear Belinda, now you're really thinking outside of the box, again another one of your great videos, love the music. We all have lots to learn and it's best to learn from each other. I give you a 5 out of 5
  • Its Christmas Eve: the roads and pavements are covered with ice and from my window I see people making disastrous attempts to get their last minute shopping done! Glad I've sworn off Christmas this year!
    cool music and video :).
  • This is excellent Belinda. How did you get that "ghost" effect on the video at the end?
  • totally COOL (and chaotic!) love the ending!!!, the ultimate last word LOL-----looking a little like ant ina year,.....cig boxes (or kits) for all, right?....
    now I'm inspired!Yeh!,...,,most excellent first recording attempt, I say!! >>write the masterpiece to disc, and avoid the malls and stress,..!!next year;-) Laurie
  • Well done, well done, bemuzic...thanks....zan.
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