CheeseBox 1 Sound Demo

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Here's a quick video so you guys can see what CheeseBox 1 sounds like. Forgive my poor playing (and poor carpentry skills!!)

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  • nice work Jason. they both look and sound terrific. can't wait to get my own "Lowezo" finished.
  • Those "cheese" details on your cheese box are the bomb. So whimsical! Especially followed by a performance of 3 Blind Mice. Thank you for your shout out. I greatly appreciate your support. A very fine first build! Enjoy.
  • Thanks so much to everyone for the compliments!! I am definitely happy with how my guitars have turned out so far. And btw, you guys say that song is Three Blind Mice? I always thought it was The Three Stooges Theme lol. Thanks again!!
  • Sounds great, you did a real nice job on that.
  • You make it look easy being cheesy. Cool build
  • NIIIIIIIIICE vintage sound you've got there. Nice build, true to materials used. CHEERS!
  • Very original and inventive. Neat. You did a great job learning from Keni Lee's video. Sounding good!
  • love it!!..and 3 blind mice,lol!!
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