cbg - oil can guitar two string drawer slide guitar - random strumming

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Due delle mie Monster Guitars: una con la tavola acustica ricavata da una latta dell'olio,l'altra da un vecchio cassetto. Non conoscendo la musica vado a cas...

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  • Second one looks great too. I take it you've used the top of the oil can and the spout for the soundhole? Sounds good. Very good.
  • Big guitar with a big sound. Really nicely done. Great job, great looking build.
  • Thanks for the feed back guys, I'm sorry for Norbert'll see if I can match the translator to videos (both we Italians talk with their hands), Jim thanks for the compliments, D.Eker your sparkitalian is fantastic thanks for the compliments, thanks you too James fun your video weird, and you Alberto where you comes from? Devo venire in America per trovare gli italiani!Sono tre anni che seguo questo gruppo di creativi davvero bravi devo dire.

  • la cbg mania sta dilagando anche in Italia!  Bel lavoro Elio!

  • Nice Builds Elio Like the little Dulcimer Best but both are Nice Man

  • regarde com une tablo di Spoeri ËatArt Muy bueno rezzo metalico Elio!Una  Bella olio CBG ! Ciao! Elio Greeeeettsszz A.D.

  • Bravo!! Both are excellent.

  • thanks for the clarification Derek

  • Hi Elio, both great looking and sounding builds. I like the dulcimer tin can also. The first one has a very large box which is what I meant. Nice all around as always.

  • Tanks guys,

    Derek but you saw the two jobs or just the first? the second is'nt HUGE. is a figure of speech?

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