CBG coal miner

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  • No doubt.  The story rings as true.

  • Thanks Uncle John, the song was inspired by one just done by Jim Morris cover of John Prine's Paradise.

    Lyrics are not hard to visualize being that my folks all come from coal mining, moon shining and hunting up grub. They all live into there late 90's and talk real slow. Still can their own food and use forest herbs for medicines. I've learned from pops how to survive well in the wild.

    So never having mined coal myself, this is a tribute to those who have. I have that pot belly stove in storage : ) 

  • Those are some good lyrics.  Got it goin' on down in St. Louis.

  • Great Christmas meeting, lots of gift exchanges. Loved the collaboration! All three songs spontaneously created from one or two attempts. Just a real blast.  

  • Coal

    Coal runs in the family

    Coal runs in my vain

    Living this kind of life

    Can drive anyone insane


    You can dig out a living

    Or you can dig out a grave

    While trying to retire

    On the little that you save


    Use to dig all by hand

    Now it’s done by a machine

    That black hole’s just as cold

    You know what I mean


    Old a shack down the hill

    With a pot belly stove

    It’s warming up the bones

    Of the young and the old


    The rooster gets me up

    A whistle sends us home

    As surely as the world turns round

    I heard that mountain grown


    There’s soot in the washer

    There’s soot in my hair

    Lining the cab of my pickup truck

    Black soot everywhere



    Coal runs in the family

    Coal runs in my vain

    Tough as it is

    I’m happy just the same



    I’ve had the dreams

    That most men have

    Some’s has it better

    Some have it bad



    I’m pleased to tell ya

    I’m here to stay

    Be mining this coal

    When they carry me away

    There’s one thing I know for sure

    You might not understand

    People in the mining business

    Pack an awful lot of sand


    Coal runs in the family

    Coal runs in my vain

    Living this life is tough

    But I love it just the same.

    By: smilingdog

  • Some good times at the Roadhouse!

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