Calli fest promotion

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promotional video for Calli Fest virtual cigar box festival

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  • Well we finally made it to Monterey. Thanks for the lift Dave now to get my skateboard fixed. I am heading off to the blues stage to do some rehearsing

  • We are starting a new group called Tres Hombres, but we wont be ready to play as a group for awhile because Uncle John and I need to let our hair and beards grow out. I am not letting those two have beans anymore that is why I was riding outside the camper. WHEEEEEW

  • For the safety of one and all, horse rides on the beach has been added for all the cowboys out there!


  • 900870592?profile=RESIZE_710x

  • And so it begins! The three amigos meet Blazing Saddles! Ha, thanks for sharing your I’d say 1956 family photo album shot! You grew into your head well. Your a natural! Dave and Danny and the word midnight comes to mind! Lots of baked beans in those  satchels me guessing.

  • 900570127?profile=RESIZE_710xI got the cowboy job on a trial basis.   Dave and Danny are going to be cooks and fence menders.  Trial basis...

  • I want to stay on Route 66, Richard, and after last year's debacle, not get too close to the border.  Isn't there a wall there now anyway?   And besides, we may take employment and not even go to the fest.  A nearby rancho is hiring and Dave, Danny and I have always wanted to be cowboys.  We are going to apply.  

  • You are a very giving person Uncle, but I can’t see this ending well. By any chance, are you heading to Columbus, New Mexico! And within walking distance across the border is Palomas, Mexico.  Word semantics like New Mexico meaning the newer part of Palomas! Bikers group 12 on highest alert!

  • Richard, I think that place is too far off Route 66, but Danny and Dave want to go. Chile rellenos do sound good to me.  I am working with Danny and Dave to order beers in Spanish.  They are willing, but not highly teachable.   "Bonita culo, senorita.   Tres cervesas por favor."

  • I didn’t see Danny at first! I guess that barbecue smoke could explain his red eyes and spaced out look! Your behavior is amazing considering last year. Probably due to Dave’s constantly watching eye! There’re rules, especially in New Mexico, about driving and barbecuing. But you did a good thing not letting the untimely death of a long horn steer go to ever present capitalist! OK, may I suggest a safe place to rest and cleanup, and it meets your desire for Sunday morning gospel. The El Rancho delas Golondrinas B&B in Santa Fe, NM. Means ranch of the swallows. Tell Dave to stop swallowing, there are no contests. A good place for Danny to clean the bugs off and smoke from his high..........speed  escapades. I have a drone in the sky, watching, go West young men! Any movement south, alerts Hell’s Angels NM group 12! 


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