Bug practice best of 3

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Well you can't sack the drummer when its a one man band! Left foot ginger baker right foot is keith moon.. Playing foot drums and CBG... Beer song, stuck in the middle ...work together in reverse order"BEER!"I like beer 'cause it is goodwe all drink beer because we shouldIf there only one song to sing hereIt would go much smoother with beerI drink beer when I am sad'Cause the beer, it makes me gladNow there's nothing much left to saySo let's go drink beer and cheer way hayWhen it's warm, it tastes real crappyBut cold beer will make us all happyWhen I throw up on the floorI can go and drink some moreThey say beer will make me dumbI just want a big fat TumNow that we have drunk a little beerLets give it one more big cheer..Chorus"I love football,I love beerBeer the temporary solution.From Beer to eternity,just wana drink beer and screw"Uh, dude? I think you've had enoughtomorrow youll be feeling kinda roughBut meanwhile let's not worry or shoutuntil all the beer runs outTomorrow you may all be in a messafter a short night of loving caressone more pint wont hurt the souluntil your out of controlWell I told you there's plenty on tapeven if you spill a little into your lapBut as the barells are still pretty fullSo go an get on the pull.with beer youll always look goodfar better than you ever shouldthe girls will think you're back in your teensthey'll love fat drunk old men, them beauty queensbeer does'nt distort your mindor make you even be unkindit helps you have some funeven when you lucks on the run.so have no fear have another beer'cause hangover are only mythsit's time for a barrel house funafter all it's good to have a fat tumwell i'm sorry the band ain't so goodif they'd paid me you perhaps'd understoodI know you'd rather have the rolling stonesbut we just couldnt get them on their phones.Meanwhile not to think about the pastlets crack on and have a blastsit up and give us all a cheerbecause i'm off soon to have another beer.well its been fun singing this songI know it goes on an onBut it's time now to goso you can carry on with the show.(c) Bug 2015

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  • 306472700?profile=original

  • 306473607?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • 306475642?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024Wowzers ur the the boogie woogie Buggyman loved it all!!!!!! Meeowwwwwww^..^

  • Awesome tunes Bug!!

  • Lol
  • All round good, but don't let  Wes call you a tuber!

  • Very clean but work a treat when fuzzed up and driven !
    Kinda plexi I think?
  • Wes 6v6 and Alnico Jensen 12"
    Birch cabinet.. And some fuzz..
  • mee 2
  • 306471634?profile=original

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