Bring it On Home to Me: 2-String Surf Chugger Cigar Box Guitar

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Cigar Box Guitar Slingers - Spokane, 130th Zoom Mtg 11/28/22. Only 1-finger chords, free songbooks here: Main Songbook...

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  • I never know what the response to a song will be, I appreciate the feedback A.D., Uncle John, and Carl. I usually have the artist/group beside the title in our songbook and in this case Sam Cooke is who I used to learn the song. Nice job Carl. I’m indebted to my fellow Slingers for continuing to expand my musical horizons and delighted when folks here at CBN enjoy them too.

    P.S. I’ll have to check out Led Zeppelin’s take!

  • Answer is Sam Cooke.   I am quite fond of Led Zeppelin's spin on this song.  :)

  • That is such a good song.  Nicely slung.

  • Know the tune Doug but forgot who done it believe one of them soul groeps like the Four Tops , or the rigth Bross, its nice of you to do the titel but usaly never the groep ,or the Groep and not the titel ! what a demanding world we live in !! Aye Doug ! good to see them all singing along but its one of those songs for boy's about Girls, the intreging ones ! thanks for the treasure Hunting !!

  • Me too Kale! But I am now. Thanks for watching.

  • Once again, I'm not familiar with the original... but I really liked it. Nice work by the Slingers.
  • Thanks for the encouraging feedback Brian! Mike (pictured to my right above and a member of CBN) shared this song with the Slingers and I put it in our songbook and learned it. That is one of the cool things about the group, they broaden my musical horizons.

  • Never thought I’d hear this oldie on cbg’s, great selection once again slinger’s!!

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