Boxstock 2011 - the UK Cigar Box Guitar Festival

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A brief view of the opening act..a fusion of greek rembetika , blues and belly dance, by Andy Bole, with the Khalgani dance troupe. Presented by the Home Grown Music Collective

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  • That surprising worked quite well. If you want to lure belly dancers just start playing a hand drum in any public place. Its like sponteaneous creation. If you drum, they will turn-up - unannounced and I play drums in parks and at school fetes and without fail they turn up.  If you think I'm making it up Check it out here
  • OK..I'll make a note for next year....
  • The only thing that would have made this better is if the girls all had played Cigar Box Guitars while they danced ;)
  • was part of my vision when we set up HGMC to widen the scope of what we do...just trying to put it into practice.
  • Bringing this type of performance into the proceedings was a stroke of genius! many thanks to Andy and the ladies, hope to see them again next time...i'm a fan!! (-:
  • ...and although I had the opportunity, I refrained from introducing them by clapping my hands and declaiming "Bring on the Dancing Girls!!!"
  • Well..I have spoken to Andy about making him a Turkish Delight Box Saz Baglama, and his musical influences are very wide - I was really pleased that he managed to fit this event into his busy schedule. After all, this movement is all about no rules, no boundaries and having fun.
  • Listen carefully and you can just about hear Redd falling off his chair....

    Many thanks to Andy and the girls for doing this, hopefully we will see them again :o)

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