Born to be Wild: 2-String 3D Printed 2-String Chugger (Not a Cigar Box Guitar)

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Slinging Steppenwolf, oh my! Only 1-finger chords, free songbooks here: Songbook.pdf ...

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  • I can dig it James! Glad you enjoyed it. I really enjoy the wide variety of songs we do on Monday nights: from wild to mild.

  • I like wild!!! Good job, y'all having lots of fun!!!

  • Thanks for watching Kale and Alan! It’s a classic power chord song that really suits cigar box guitars. I used to have the album with this song, it had a jacket that was visually pushing the edge for a young teenager. Ah, those were the days.

  • "Good Version of a Good Song by The Wild Bunch of Slingers" :-D

  • Great old tune and perfect for the chugger.

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