Black Hole Sun - cigar box guitar instrumental - fretless three string slide!!!!

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This is a three string, fretless cigar box guitar, open tuned AEa, played with a slide. This particular one was built by my hero Shane Speal, and every so often I feel compelled to do something awesome with it to show my appreciation!Some people discover their spirit animal, I've discovered my spirit instrument, the three string slide! I love building and playing them, and no one can take my music from me now, I can build an instrument from almost anything.This song was originally produced by Soundgarden, and I'm proud to show my instrumental interpretation of it on a super primitive instrument!

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  • That is very very nice. I love the subtle vibrato just on the beginning of some of the notes. You have really done something special with that song.

  • I like what you have to say.

  • yum yum  ..   and  long time  no  see  ;-)  

  • very nice !!!

  • Danged Fiiiiiiiiine work...  ¬_¬

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