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bit of a blues thing

Views: 113
made a fret board and double sided taped it on to try it out. frets are just some brass tube glued on.I would not do it again. Fret wire in the post!!

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  • that's nice!

  • Thanks Roadkill.

    The tube is hollow so I stuck tooth picks in the ends then took it to meet the belt sander.

  • Sounds good. I wouldn't have thought of using brass tubing.

  • Thanks for your comments guys. I just tryed it as i had some thin brass tube I have had one or two pop off.

    Not when playing I had it in the garden and then in the house put it down and ping must be the temp change.

    As for the intonation I have a twelve string with the head stock kaput so I just taped some paper on and rubbed it over with a sanded pencil and used that as template. I did cut slots and used super glue.

    Dobbin get fret wire its less work!!

  • anyone have a reason NOT to use clipped finishing nails?

  • Yeah.   Nice to listen to.  Got to agree with Kieth.  Intonation sounds precise.

  • Kool Jazz....niiiccce....(-;

  • Sounds good! Paper match frets next!

  • sounded  pretty  good .  :-) .  what ..  no  bobby pins ?  ;-)

  • Thank Willard, Wes, James.;-)

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