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Simplest boogie style song lesson

Views: 263
Lesson 5 Simplest boogie style song lessonThe I chord: is you IVI guitar strummed open.IV Chord: Hold your slide lightly upon the strings directly above the 5th fret.V Chord: Hold your slide lightly upon the strings directly above the 7th fret.I, IV and V are Roman Numerals for 1, 4 and 5.If you don’t have a slide, lay your finger - not right over those frets, but a little bit in the direction of the head stock (tuners). It will take fairly strong pressure to geta good sound. It will sound good even if you get only the two big strings fretted.Singer’s note: IF you think you can’t sing, you can pretty much just talk this song. Get your yeah –yeahs out and try it. Either talking or singing, out a little growl and ^%$&* attitude in your voice.Want Ad Blues By John Lee Hooker(get your I chord boogie started and keep it up until you change to the IV chord.)II read your ad this morning you, said you want a real good man.IV II read your ad this morning you, said you want a real good man.V IV INow I'm here with you baby, I want to know your plan.When I go to work, I have to wear my uniform.When I go to work, I have to wear my uniform.I got news for you baby, I keep the darn thing on.Well I can't hully gully, I can't do a shimmy,But when it comes to lovin', I'm a lovin' little fool.Come on baby , love me all night long.I got news for you honey, win yourself a home.Well go to the bedroom, honey fix the bedroom up.Well go to the bedroom, fix the bedroom up.Got a whole lotta talkin', wanna talk to you, alright.Repeat verse one.Check out Knotlenny’ CBG 101 for similar lesson.

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