Bad night with a bottle!

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This is what alcohol does!

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  • Thanks yup I think it helps... until the next day...then all you want is what the cats are having below..

  • Got Milk?! Meowwwwww^^305935303?profile=original

  • some call it the devils brew, i call it the uninhibator

  • I don't smoke and I don't chew and I don't go with girls who do.

  • Sounds better than my playing. Perhaps I should spend the day sozzled and see if things improve ;-)

  • 305938239?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • Thnaks Clock that should keep me going a bit longer... hick up



  • 305938732?profile=original

  • 305939638?profile=original

  • 305938123?profile=original

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