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Aurora Shooting VIctims Benefit Gig

Views: 93
Some news coverage of a recent benefit gig we did in aid of the recent tragic shootings here in Colorado. We had been playing some blues prior to the interview and I had one of Juju's creations in my hand during most of the interview but that seems to have hit the cutting room floor. However, I put it up anyway.

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  • Nice one, Stuart. My cousin lives in Colorado. His work colleague's young daughter was hurt, but is on the mend. her two friends were killed. How many times does this need to happen, before action is taken! 

  • The kindness of strangers.   Every bit helps a little.  Aurora means gold....  One of the first gold camps in Colordo, now pretty much part of Denver.   I did some duty in (now defunct) Fitzsimmons Army Hospital in Aurora.

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