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Ashley "lil Frog" first ever performance

Views: 205
Ashley plays for her first time for a crowd during a talent competition. She ended up tied for third with another guitarist. While she didn't place first, she still had all the judges around her at the end as no one had ever seen or heard a CBG.She's now been asked to display some of our guitars at a local family music store and the newspaper wants to do an indepth interview with the family regarding the CBG for soldier program we are involved in.Thanks to all at Cigar box nation for posting up vids as she watches them and learns from your videos, (never had a lesson)

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  • Very well played. I hope for many more to come.

  • Not half bad,considering I never had a lesson.(But thanks 4 the Amazing Grace vid, Night Owl)


  • Amen. Keep it up. :)

  • Great kid and spreading the cbg WORD.  I am a fan of the Lil Frog.

  • Actually Night Owl, did you recognize your arrangement of Amazing Grace in theere? She learned that from your vid..........

    It was alot of fun especially since the tie in points she had to perform a second time. She was REALLY nervous then as she hadn't planned on playin again. Her and the other young lady had to battle it out. The other young girl broke out her Uke while I told Ashley to play from her heart and just go up there and play what she felt like and heve fun.

    Low and behold, she breaks out "Mannish Boy" {now that made me proud.......her picking that riff to play} before switching into "Paint it Black" from The Stones (which she is still learning and was pretty choppy}

    I wish I could have spoken to the other girl afterwards as it would have been cool to get both of them jamming away for a couple minutes. But they disappeared too fast after the awards

  • Great job!

  • Well done Ashley!   i sent my  young niece a 3-string for Christmas, can't wait to hear how she gets on with it, if she's half as good as you Lil' Frog i'll be chuffed to bits! ...ribit ribit..! (-:

  • Nice playing Ashley..keep it up.

  • Make sure you tell Ashley she did a very fine job. Although I would suggest adding a little foot stompin' percussion to tighten up the tempo and add some drive. Thanks for sharing. Enjoy. 

  • Thanks for the support!


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