Amazing Grace on double neck CBG

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A while ago NightOwl put up a two part tutorial on how to play Amazing Grace and I learned it on a 3 string. This guitar is a 3 string with an additional bass string, one octave lower than the lowest of the three normal strings. You can easily adapt any three string piece to work with the extra bass string. If anyone wants to see the amp settings there is a picture in the first (oldest) of the comments.I'm afraid that the video is a bit over exposed. The camera was set to manual and I shot quite a bit. This was taken from later in the recording and the light levels must have risen a bit.Because there is a lot of interest in NightOwl's excellent tutorials here are the links:Amazing Grace cbg tutorial Part 1andAmazing Grace cbg tutorial Part 2

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  • Nicely done ..dig the cbg
  • Many thanks to Jim, Hillbilly and J.Robinson for your comments.

    All the best.


  • Very good playing had a nice slow soulful/reflective quality!!

  • this is great

  • That's beautiful! Gotta put another neck on mine now.

  • Hi RTZ and David.

    Thanks to both of you for the comments.

    The End of the World was done by Henry Phillips.

    Willem Dafoe was performed by Brian Haner.

    Both were from the wonderful Bob and Tom show.

    All the best.


  • Real nice.

  • John, thanks for the kind comments, i really like the tone of your 3 string i have not played 

    a tradional CBG 3 or 4 string but watching you and Uncle John i know i will.

    I have to ask who is doing -The end of the world and Willem Defoe. My guess is Steve Plotz?

    but i dont know

  • Cheers, John. BTW, don't encourage me re the jokes LOL.

  • Hi Jamie and Jef.

    Jamie. Always enjoy your sense of humour. Keep it coming.

    Jef. You do some wonderful stuff and as you know I am very grateful for your help.

    Thanks to both of you and all the best.


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