Along for the ride - neanderpaul

Views: 145
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Original instrumentalgood times

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  • Thanks, Steve!
  • Love the song. Great playing. 

  • "Yeah", Really Really Good Stuff !!!!

  • I haven't been posting here much lately because I have been working towards a goal. I have developed a pretty decent following on Facebook for my a cappella hymns videos. I get thousands of views in just a couple of days each time I post. I'm also posting them on YouTube, but they don't get very much action there. I'm working towards a goal of a complete package. A CD, DVD, a printed and a Digital hymnal of my original a cappella hymns. I'm shooting for 12–15 songs. I'm going to a large church event in Tennessee in August. I'm hoping to sell a lot there. Here is my latest.
  • Thanks, Andries! My Wurlitzer is such a treasure to me. :)

    Thanks, Jim!

    Sweet, Uncle John! Thanks so much for the compliments!
  • One of the best singers around and he's doing instrumentals.   Good ones. 

  • Excellent!

  • Great one Paul ! That took some doing !great split video great timing! Multy tracking! Wurlitser key's you dont see them arround that much ,Thanks! Greeeeettsszz A.D. 

  • Thanks so much! :)
  • Talented with a capital "T"! I really enjoyed that and very inspirational to see you play all of the instruments too.

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