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Views: 104

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  • Gentlemen, I'm glad that You liked my clip and You cheered :) I'll try to record one more after a while.

  • Great! Fun stuff! Even without subtitles I would have liked it but the translation added to the enjoyment.

  • Рыдал от субтитров. :)

    Subs makes me laughfully crying! :)

  • Good sense of humor. I am sad about the pierogis! Fun song.

  • LOL!!!!   Love those lyrics!   Nice visual story too.  Very good!   I like these traditional Russian folk songs

    ЛОЛ!!!! Любите эти тексты! Хорошая визуальная история тоже. Отлично! Мне нравятся эти традиционные русские народные песни, переданные поколениями.

     handed down for generations. 

    LOL!!!! Lyubite eti teksty! Khoroshaya vizual'naya istoriya tozhe. Otlichno! Mne nravyatsya eti traditsionnyye russkiye narodnyye pesni, peredannyye pokoleniyami.

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