After Forever - Black Sabbath on Cigar Box Guitar

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Open G tuning on a four string cigar box guitar.

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  • Excellent! 

  • Thanks Derek :)

  • Nailed it Clarky! We blasted this on the 8 track way back when :-)

  • Thanks :)

  • Bitchen!

  • Haha sound exactly like something he would say. Cheers!

  • Ozzy would say"but but bu yur misssinnn 2 stringz". doing BS on the nation is like a fart in Church some get it some don't. I do thanks.

    See the source image

  • Nice one John :)

  • I will get out the glasses I wore last years solar eclipse to wear for your next video.

  • Sorry uncle John that video was filmed at the same time as the last one. I will endeavour to show my ugly mush slowly over the next few. Im always jealous of people who lived through the sixties and seventies because those are my favourite decades musically, but don't worry people never appreciate bands at the time. Hindsight is great. My dad saw Hendrix at Isle of Wight and didn't think much of it at the time.

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