3 string cigar box ukulele

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This is a custom build, although I have 3 of these based on this design. It's a concert size ukulele tuned Gdg with a blues scale fret-board. Lots of fun to ...

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  • Very nice

  • Really nice tone out of that little git.   Nice kind of medieval  style playing.

  • Nice!

  • Yes it probably is Keith, I would most likely get on quite well with the baritone because I play an uke like it’s a guitar and a guitar like it’s an uke! CBG’s seemed like the perfect alternative, maybe a baritone cigar box uke is the order of the day! And I might build that rascal fully electric Grrr!.......nice one Keith....updates to follow! 

  • That box is big enough for a baritone uke too, 4 stringer.

  • Cheers Dave thanks for the comments. 

    BrianQ yes a bit like a hobo fiddle, these ukulele builds are essentially an extension of an instrument I love (the cbg) but in the format of the instrument I learnt to play music on (ukulele). The best of both worlds you might say.

  • Kinda like a hobo fiddle?

  • Nice clear demo of an awesome blues uke. Thanks Kent.

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