3 String Banjo Demo

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3 String Banjo Build Demo

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  • Thanks AGP# and Derek for your comments.

  • Great sounding banjo

  • "Nice 3 String Banjer Build Mike", looks good, sounds good & well played, built a 3 string Appalachian one similar a little while back, but made the mistake of not adding Frets, which will be added soon, and I also go the Uncle John Route to successfully add Videos to CBN  :-) 

  • Sorry about that John.  I tried to upload it as a mp4, but it failed.  So I just uploaded it on YouTube and Cigar Box Nation seemed to take it without any issues.  If I click on it, it works. Hmmmmm.  

    Maybe you can see it at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V88GYZG-LAE&lc=z23wxfa5lrqqhphr...

    or at: https://youtu.be/V88GYZG-LAE

  • The vid won't play for me, Mike.

  • Quick Stats

    - The idea for this build came from a video I saw by James Gilliam of Tinyguitars Handmade Instruments (he calls his a dulcijo because it has a Dulcimer scale).

    - It is a 25" Scale using Del Puckett’s 25 inch “Just Tempered” scale. Originally Del came out with a Just Intonation scale and later tweaked it by coming out with what he calls a Just Tempered Scale.

    - The Hand drum is a Rhythm Band (RB1180)10 inch Tuneable Hand Drum from a big music box store on line for $23.00.

    - I installed a small single wound pickup under the drum head (it’s hot glued to my front mounting piece). It is a Seven Fitty Screamin Pickup from MGB guitars.

    - The strings that I finally ended up using are .020, .016 and .010 plain steel

    - I tuned it to open E. I popped the bottom string two times trying to tune it to an open G. I tired wound strings but didn’t like the sound at all, so I went back to the plain steel strings (sounds more like a banjo this way anyway).

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