foster the people - pumped up kicks - cookie tin cover

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"cookie tin banjo slide cigar box guitar"Hi guys! here's my newest guitar build, another simple 3 string slide instrument made with a walmart cookie tin. Performing Pumped Up Kicks in my bathroom for the first demo. have a great holiday season!!!

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  • Great sound!...what was that grocery bag trick again? song too...

  • Great sounding instrument. Very interesting use of shopping bags. I never would have thought. Enjoyed the playing and singing. Your videos are all very informative. Thanks.

  • kickass


  • Dang.  Good sounding instrument, playing and singing.

  • I like your version better than the original. That one's not really my style; this is cool.

  • i actuually built a ukulele sized instrument from a cigar box, i'll put the link in here. it's got precisely half the scale length of my guitars, so i used the same strings, and tuned one octave high. worked out pretty well, but didn't have much sustain lol.


    have a great day!


  • Fabulous, I gotta have one of those. I tend to play cigar box ukulele, wondering if your principles would work on a tenor ukulele. Loved your sound mate, nice one.

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