1880's Wild Indian 3 - String Cigar Box guitar

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---------------You can play more than just standard blues on a cigar box guitar...turn up the gain and sail in the overdrive!I am working on a new batch of cigar box guitars. Even if you build or sell cigar box guitars yourself, Add a Red Dog to your collection, you will cherish it for a lifetime. You really will enjoy owning an playing it.I have several guitars for sale at the website https://www.3-string-guitar.comor Google search - Red Dog Guitars-----------------

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  • I keep mine next to my chair and play it every night to unwind!! It is a true and magic experience! Everyone should buy one!!!

  • When you do it Beetle, I like distortion. Just you though. And I highly recommend Red Dog Guitars Danny.

  • no, if you wind the string one way or another it will not change the tone.....BUt if you lessen all the stresses throughout the instrument such as glue joints etc.. ( not scarfing the neck and things of the sort ) things like that etc....they add up and the guitar vibrates much more freely...it's the effect of everything added together....its really just the simplicity.

  • These Red Dog Guitars are what dreams are made of! 

  • hmmm. interesting. so if the string was pulled over on an angle it wouldn't sound as good? also nice for ascetic reasons, and just makes sense. just gotta hear which way to turn the tuner. even though, well, you know. And I agree with Danny's statement below. one of these days.

  • thanks for the kind words!

    yes, the less stress the instrument has the better it vibrates

  • could spend my life watching Red Dog videos. 

    nice to see that you also don't "follow the rules" of winding the string. put it where it falls. i had a guy ask me once, "do you play guitar", because he couldn't grasp turning the tuning machine the wrong way. i try, but this guitar is awesome the way the strings lay...........


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