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Views: 31
me playing a dulcimer fretted gas can banjo I made right after I got home from deployment in May

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  • Highly diggable take on this song...Play on..

  • Great tun and a fine guitar. Love to see you Matt!

  • A little Ernie Ford. Nice cover Matt.

  • There are certain songs I don't attempt because the original or a  certain version is iconic in my head - and I know I can not do it that way.  This song is one of those.  I heard it a lot circa 1960-1964 when Tennessee Ernie Ford did a LOW LOW bass version of this song.  Ernie had a good musical variety TV show, a good one.  

    Now after hearing  you do it and thinking about it, maybe sometime I can give it a try and aim for something between my usual style and yours.  Thanks.

  • Go Matthew Go ! Rhytm & Gas ! Hot Combi nation on the Nation !
  • Cooking with Gas, Matt.  I really like your unique sound.  

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