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Clock is ignorin me, cause he don't know answer lol

 So, open riddle:    

 BIG (large) letter O  .........SMALL (wee) letter  o .  A song was written about the small letter o. What was it? There IS an answer. I will post song answer tonight, if no one "gets it" .

Prize: a SHUGGY DYLAN T shirt to first correct answer


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steven smith-- dewy said… just a short story: in december of last year (2009) i was a fairly ill man , feeling down , sick , and honestly didnt care about much of anything----at the end of dec. i was told i was in very bad need of a triple bypass, and i was scared too death, i had recently strated visiting cigarbox nation prior , and they have a chapel group there , i gotta tell ya those people were sooo great and caring , and more than anxious too say a prayer for anyone that felt they needed it (was a real heartfelt experience), strangers as well s people i become aquainted with prayed for me alot , i hadnt yet built any cigerbox guitars , but surgery ent well , and i had met a few folks on theat site , one imparticular (johnny yowell)or L J as we called him was in that bunch of folks that i met in CBN. He pulled me aside , in private conversation , and said "i wanna help ya out if i can",andhe said if you can afford the shipping , i want to send you a cigarbox guitar so i had something too do , while i was recovering . God Bless you LJ---anyways , in the meantime , Lj and another man( Randy B retz)-excellent crafter and crver , invited me too join in on a club scene called the Handmade music clubhouse, the people there were soo full of knowlege and ideas for building , and repairing , a well as just making all round fun musical instruments ...Ive come too meet and know quite a few folks there , and they are all great people , and id like too say thankyou all for all the support and info. as well as the opertunity too learn from and with you all TED CROCKER , youve been a real influence on me with your awesome builds and instruction in guidence, all i can say is thankyou , and that comes from my heart ... we have a gathering of sorts coming up in september (3rd4th5th), and i gotta say , i just can not wait to shake some hands and give a few hugs , too some wonderful people .. GOD BLESS YOU ALL           

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steven smith-- dewy said… just a short story: in december of last year (2009) i was a fairly ill man , feeling down , sick , and honestly didnt care about much of anything----at the end of dec. i was told i was in very bad need of a triple bypass, and i was scared too death, i had recently strated visiting cigarbox nation prior , and they have a chapel group there , i gotta tell ya those people were sooo great and caring , and more than anxious too say a prayer for anyone that felt they needed it (was a real heartfelt experience), strangers as well s people i become aquainted with prayed for me alot , i hadnt yet built any cigerbox guitars , but surgery ent well , and i had met a few folks on theat site , one imparticular (johnny yowell)or L J as we called him was in that bunch of folks that i met in CBN. He pulled me aside , in private conversation , and said "i wanna help ya out if i can",andhe said if you can afford the shipping , i want to send you a cigarbox guitar so i had something too do , while i was recovering . God Bless you LJ---anyways , in the meantime , Lj and another man( Randy B retz)-excellent crafter and crver , invited me too join in on a club scene called the Handmade music clubhouse, the people there were soo full of knowlege and ideas for building , and repairing , a well as just making all round fun musical instruments ...Ive come too meet and know quite a few folks there , and they are all great people , and id like too say thankyou all for all the support and info. as well as the opertunity too learn from and with you all TED CROCKER , youve been a real influence on me with your awesome builds and instruction in guidence, all i can say is thankyou , and that comes from my heart ... we have a gathering of sorts coming up in september (3rd4th5th), and i gotta say , i just can not wait to shake some hands and give a few hugs , too some wonderful people .. GOD BLESS YOU ALL           

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Good Folks To Deal With

Folks I've dealt with from a buying standpoint with no issues.


Chris Carlson- Hubcap and Cigar Box Guitars.

John McNair- Red Dog Guitars.

Bob Harrison- Harrison Pickups.

Elmar Zeilhofer- Elmar Flat Pups.

The Anonymous Pick- Swamp Witch Guitars.

Darren Brown- D.B. Customs.

Pete Regan-  Scrap Iron Instruments.   

And of course Ben and the staff at Gitty.

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No Blues Day

Today my wife and I have been married 15 years.  Pretty remarkable since I don't play hard to get.  I play hard to have.  

Anyway, I got me Hollowbelly T-Shirt on today, played me guitar with the Klangbox pickup for a good half hour this morning, had a curry for lunch and getting ready for a long weekend with my wife sans kids (first time).

I really like this Tshirt.  Nobody around here knows WTF it means.  Surprised it isn't all worn out yet.


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cbg means cigar box guitars

i see people dumping good money into these folkart builds , fact of the matter is if yer spending 3-4-5 hundred dollars into a box guitar , ya have more money than common sense  .ive been bouncing around between the nation and handemade clubhouse since 2009 , there are some awesome builds coming out of both places , fact of the matter is , some seem to be forgetting the fact that a box guitar is exactly what it is , and to think that your buying a Martin or Taylor ,Gibson quality , your sadly mistaken50.00 or 500.00 its a BOX GUITAR , ive seen in the past 3 years some very greedy builders , they throw out a half a dozen BOX Guitars , and think that theyre going to make millions on them , how foolish is this too even think that way , this is a hobby , there are no profrssional builders here , or they would be working for Martin or Taylor ect.

     What ive been seeing here in the past few years is that greed is taking over the hobby and ruining the fun and friendships that were originally the good intensions of the building process and these great websites , i see alot of poor sportsmanship , gingerbread these builds up all you want to , but facts are facts , it is a BOX GUITAR,what are people not understanding here ? i find this to be a sad situation to ruin friendships over a box and a stick.

   If you expect a certain type or style in one of these FOLKART pieces , then build it yourself , thats what started this whole deal , and not buying and expecting a personalized build from someone else .sure a few have made some awesome quality builds ,great going guys ! , and awesome creativity from  those that have.

    the other thing is , if you dont know the builder PERSONALY, you shouldnt be sending money in advance , thats just down right stupid , no matter what the reasons told may be , if you do , you stand a good chance of loosing out , for instance , if you front up moneys for a build from a certain person , and tragedy occures such as death or injury , and the builder cant get the build finished , are you going to go try to sue the family of the deceased ? thats just dedundant and unheartful, and again greedy as hell , when a build is posted and  its already complete , thats when you buy it and not until then

      just my opinion , but i feel this all makes sense , thanx for reading , lets get back to the fun of it , and not making this HOBBY into a grudge match of backyard builders

                                                              steve smith


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I am always blown away and inspired by the players that come through my stall at The Bluesfest.

From seasoned players to absolute beginners.

Always a thrill to get someone who has never played a cbg (or guitar) before up and running.

Here is some footage. All shot on my phone. Next time i'll do it all sideways.

Fun Fun Fun!

It's a long video so maybe grab a beer or a cup of Tea

or a cbg and jam along!

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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Leadfoot T No1 on Reverbnation!

Leadfoot T & CBG its no 1 on the Reverbnation charts! Thanks to anyone on the Nation who has checked the Reverbnation page out & listened to me and Fingers! I think its phenomenal that us CBG'ers can take our instruments and hit the top spot in mainstream charts.

Please keep us there and spread the gospel according to CBG. Click on and listen to a track or watch a video!

A Big thanks again!


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The tour starts here....

Just about to set off to the airport to collect Tinqui8. He's here in the UK to play some gigs...and hopefully he'll see a bit more of the UK than the last couple of times..when all he saw was the inside of a pub and the main venue, a motel room...and West Brom shopping centre!

Got the kick drum and hi-hat all ready...9353769468?profile=original

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FREE CBG Podcast


You can check out my new album on a 2 part podcast at The podcast gives you a run down on how I came up with each track on the album and the meaning behind the songs. All tracks are written by me and I play the cigar box guitars, harp, percussion and gravel mouthed vocals on every track whilst Fast Fingers Kevin Dore provides phenomenal thumping bass lines! It's where rock and blues collide in a cigar box delta fashion.

Check it out and feel free to comment - its FREE!


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I went down to the crosswalk
fell down on my knees
I went down to the crosswalk
fell down on my knees
Asked the Great Pumpkin "Have mercy now
save poor Linus if you please"
Yeeooo, standin at the crosswalk
tried to get to the other side
ooo ooo eee
I tried to get to the other side
Didn't nobody stop for me Lucy
everybody pass me by
Standin at the crosswalk Lucy
risin sun goin down
Standin at the crosswalk Lucy
eee eee eee, risin sun goin down
I believe to my soul now,
Poor Linus is sinkin down
Oh good grief, oh good grief
tell my friend Charlie Brown
Oh good grief, oh good grief
tell my friend Charlie Brown
(th)'at I got the crosswalk blues this mornin Great Pumpkin
Lucy, I'm sinkin down
And I went to the crosswalk momma
I looked east and west
I went to the crosswalk Lucy
I looked east and west
Great Pumpkin, I didn't have no sweet security blanket
ooh-well Lucy, in my distress


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Leadfoot Album

The albums all done and dusted and available to check out on Reverbnation! -

Please feel free to have a listen to these original songs.All are played by me (Cigar box guitars, harp, percussion and vox) along with Kevin Dore on bass. They've had a make over with the bass lines added to give em a real kick in the pants! Its Cigar Box Rock & Roll!


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Considerations for Selecting a Resonator Guitar

The body of a resonator guitar functions like the cabinet used to house an audio speaker. Cabinets are usually heavy and their construction is very sturdy. This forces the sound out of the speaker cone, instead of losing signal due to vibration and the sound energy being absorbed by the cabinet material itself.

Steel - Steel is very hard. They tend to produce a very bright, crisp, sharp tone.

Brass - Brass is softer than steel and may absorb some tone, but usually they are said to have a warmer, softer, blended tone compared to steel.

Wood - Wood being the softest has a delicate tone. Bluegrass Dobro (lap style resonator) players usually prefer wooden bodies. Plywood actually makes for a stronger body than solid hardwood.

Other - Different materials have been used. In an attempt to produce a lighter instrument aluminum has been used, but the softness of the body makes for a muddy tone. Graphite is another experimental material.

A resonator cone (kind of like, a metal pie pan) functions very similiar to a banjo skin. The energy of the strings vibrating move the bridge, that in turn move the cone. The sound comes out of the cone directly like an audio speaker, but also develops inside the body and exits via the soundports in the body's upper bout. A coverplate is used to protect the cone from damage. Cones are manufactured out of aluminum by being spun (superior) or pressed. They are rather delicate.

T Bar Bridge - The Tricone is by far the best model in regards to overall balanced tone and volume. Using a T Bar, three small cones are attached to the bridge. This provides treble, mid range, and bass.

Biscuit Bridge - The single cone is convex like a volcano. On top sits a wooden disk (biscuit). The bridge stands vertically in the middle of disk. This model was very popular with many early Blues players like Son House, Bukka White, and Blind Boy Fuller.

Spider Bridge - John Dopera who invented the resonator guitar had to reinvent his guitar, after he no longer owned the original patents. He inverted the cone to concave like a funnel and placed a spider web type bridge made out of aluminum across the top. This guitar was sold under the name Dobro. Short for Dopera Brothers. Along with the wooden body, this bridge is favored by Bluegrass lap style players, but also it should be noted, the necks are usually different.

There are two types of necks

Round - This is just like the shape found on any standard guitar. 12 frets clear of the body was typical of 1920/1930 guitars. There was no internal support bar (truss rod) installed inside the neck to prevent bowing (neck lifts due to string tension) and it is easier to adjust the intonation (every note plays in tune, all the way up the fingerboard). Later in the late 1930/1940 installing truss rods also allowed for longer necks. Having 14 frets clear of the body allowed for easier access beyond the 12 fret. Also, if tuned to Open D, adding a capo at fret 2, to Open E, there are still 12 frets clear of the body. This cannot be done on a 12 fret without some difficulty.

Square - This neck is rectangular and cannot be played like a standard guitar. It is designed to be played in the lap style. The thicker neck further prevents bowing and allows for more string tension. Traditionally, this instrument was used to play Hawaiian music before it became a popular American country instrument. Initially, John Dopera was actually trying to invent a variation of this lap instrument, so it could be loud enough to compete against standard orchestra instruments.

Strings and Set-Up
Resonator guitars can be played in standard and open tuning. In standard tuning, it it important to hand mute unwanted strings from vibrating causing dissident overtones. This is usually not the situation in open tunings because the open notes are sympathetic to the overall sound.

A good Set - up is essential. String height for slide playing still needs to be low enough to finger notes and chords over the entire length of the fingerboard. The correct string tension allows the slide to ride on the strings without "bottoming out" and hitting the frets. More importantly, it provides the correct downward pressure on the cone. Too little, the cone rattles and has a weak tone. Too tight, crushes and locks up the cone.

String gauge and tuning are related. Usually lower tunings require heavier strings. In general, for below standard tunings like Open D (DADf#ad) and G (DGDgbd), medium gauge "nickel" strings work well. Although, a slightly heavier first string (.016) will provide a better tone. When changing strings, remove one string at a time and tune up. It is not advisable to completely remove all tension from the cone regularly. In this case, slowly tune up the strings symmetrically, so pressure is equally applied to the cone across all the strings. Cones easily "crush in" due to too much pressure.

Republic Guitar Sound Samples ( )

Tricone -
Highway 61 -
Duolian -
Parlor -
Tenor -
Tricone and Duolian Duet -
Parlor and Highway 61 Duet -

Lessons Search: keni lee

CD1 Vestapol Tuning (Open D) for 6 string & 3 string cigar box
CD2 Spanish Tuning (Open G) for 6 string
CD3 Comparing Vestapol and Spanish Tuning for 6 string
CD4 Cigar Box Guitar for 3 string
CD5 Cigar Box Guitar for 4 string
CD6 Cigar Box Guitar for 3 string Part 2 (Devil's Tuning Method)


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First Leadfoot Album

Fast Fingers and I will be hooking up Saturday to produce our first album together. I'll be laying down the beat on the Samsonite Foot Drum, cigar box guitar and gravel mouthed vox whilst Fingers adds his supersonic pulsing bass lines. Its gonna be 100 mph rocket fuelled, foot stompin, cigar box rock blues with a twist of harp!

As the project progresses I'll post updates.

All the best,


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A weekend off...

So...a guitar free weekend ...a trip to Paris for me and my wife Jane.  This is where we ended up having lunch on Saturday...a bit rough but we put up with it....


And guitar free? Almost... on Sunday we were up at the Marche Aux Puces, Paris's massive (but massive) flea market....walking down the street we heard the unmistakable sound  of le Jazz Manouche's on Django Reinhardt's old stomping  ground, and La Chope Des Puces is a cafe dedicated to keeping alive the music of the man himself.


Sunday night we joined the Parisiens on the Champs Elysees, thousands of them celebrating the election of President madness, with every sort of vehicle taking to the streets,  from bicycles & pizza deliver scooters to open-top Ferraris blasting up and down the boulevarde honking their horns, flying flags, people dancing in the street, setting off firework flares...and a huge numbers of seriously hard-looking riot police...but it was all very good natured and great fun.


We spent Monday strolling round the Latin Quarter and onto the Isle Saint Louis behind Notre Dame, and passed a pleasant hour in the spring sunshine, sat on the kerbstones of Pont St. Louis listening to some blues and jazz..there were two bands, taking it in turns to do's Rene Miller...


See..that's how you suit...and a more than a fair bit of talent it has to be said. I chatted to both bands for a while..and made sure I put a few Euros in the hat before moving on.

Then back to the hotel to pick up our bags and head off back home. By the way, if you want somewhere to stay in Paris, I can't recommend The Hotel Mercedes highly enough...very very stylish original Art Deco "boutique" hotel...nicely renovated with some superb original features...they even had Edith Piaf playing in the lobby when we arrived!



Reality and the workshop beckons......just 30 more HGMC kits to make, sort out some drums for Tinqui8..and then we're on tour next week!!

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Cigar Box Festival Event Cambridge

The incredibly talented Col from StumbleCol has today asked Leadfoot to play at the Cambridge Cigar Box Festival 11th August 2012. Col has been an inspiration to me from when I first got to see him "doin his thang" on YouTube. It's an incredible honor for me to be asked. Naturally myself and Fast Fingers will be attending to play a 30 min set! I hope the Nation get behind Col in promoting this event spreading the word and attending in droves. I'm sure once Col has finalised the events details he'll post em up!

Nice one Col and your support has been incredible! Thanks for linking Leadfoot up on your website

Looking forward to the fest!


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Post Gig Update

Last nights Leadfoot gig for Help for Heroes and The MS Society went down a storm. The cigar box genre and ethos was eaten up by all present with loads of questions regarding the guitars and suitcase drum. The Landlord tried to re-book us on the spot for tonight!

I personally had a blast belting out the Leadfoot grit & gravel rock blues live along with Fast Fingers Kev "The Bass"ment Dore. For a couple of the tracks a new face called Beetroot Steve joined in rocking out on his harp using my smojo harmonica mic!

Our next official outing has been booked for 3rd June at the Burgoyne Heights Community Center, Dover. We are kicking off the evenings entertainment at 19:30 in celebration of the Queens Diamond Jubilee. Entry is free for any locals on here wishing to turn up. Leadfoot T will be doing a 45 min set before handing over to a Rock covers band - Lost Patrol. If you want to come along all you need to bring is your own booze and grub.

I've posted a video of last night called Gamblin Man - feel free to check it out and comment. Once the final figure has been counted for the money raised I'll update you!

All the best,



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