roosterman (1)

Post show blues

Long time since I did a blog.The Birmingham show was an absolute blast! Met some really great folk, took home some great ideas and knowledge and enjoyed every second of it - a huge thank you to Chickenbone John and his team for organising everything - Im already looking forward to next years!!I took 18 cbgs and diddly bows down eventually I think, and it was fantastic to see everyone playing them and enjoying them - thats what its all about right?Since the show though Iv been in a bit of a lull. Kinda like a Post Show Blues. Im not the only one feeling it either. Im not sure what it is - maybe I was just building a bit intensly prior to the show. Now the pressure is off, Im struggling to decide in which direction to go. Seeing Jujus amazing creations made me realise just what is achievable with a little patience. And a lot of skill! Then theres a part of me that thinks ' i love building - lets just build a LOT in the style that Im used to'.... Im undecided at the moment though.Instead, Iv been filling my time trying to spin my own resonator cones at home, with some success. Spinning the cones is no problem, but Im at the stage now where I need to invest in some proper materials and that is costly. That kind of goes against the grain of what I was trying to achieve by spinning them in the shed in the first place!! So that too, is on hold...In the meantime I have a few amp jobs on which sound very interesting, and maybe a website in the pipeline.... watch this space!!!
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