Wire player on Stage

Because I have to make something besides CBGs sometimes.The wire is trim edge from aluminum signs
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  • Thank you for the comments, BrianQ, Doug, UJ, and Pick.

    I've had this idea banging around in my 'someday I'm gonna' file for a while now. Glad you guys like it. I don't make Art for the feedback, but I always appreciate hearing people's reactions.

  • Cool. reminds me of " Compressorhead "..

    and for some weird reason ....the Judas Priest - "Turbo"  alnum cover .  ;-)

  • Big smile on all the details, including that great playing stool. And amp cable. And floor.
  • This was fun. I may do others to play with this guy.
  • Amazing art Rich! What a great idea.

  • That’s awesome!!! 

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