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  • Clean elegant look. Nice....

  • Nice!!
  • awwww  ..   now    yer  gonna  get a coool   nick-name  like  the " widow  maker " .    ;-)

  • this is awesome.................

  • That is wild and beautiful!

  • Sweet! Great build Bill! 

  • Good deal, Bill.  I figured you had side markers.   Yep.  On second look that clean fret board looks good.  I do play better with the top markers.

  • Uncle John, I appreciate your input. The Guy I built this for asked for a "relic" look so after I had everything put together perfectly I beat up the edges with a file and sander so that spot below the F hole was one I created on purpose. I'm glad you like it. As far as the fret markers go, I like the look of a clean fret board. What you don't see is that I put silver brads into the top of the neck at the 3rd, 5th, 7th,10th and 12th frets marking the pentatonic scale.

  • Beautiful.  I like it so much, I an gonna tell you what I think would improve it.   I hope I don't offend.   Box end - perfect like it is.   That rough spot below the f hole?   Leave it be, it looks great.  

    Hmm.  Not much I would do.    I like fret markers - like cut or drawn across the fret board (like frets) at the 3rd, 5th, 7th and 12th.   Makes it easier to play and I think it would look better. 

    Great looking guitar!

  • Nice looking guitar!

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